7 Tips to Increase Sales with Attractive Cosmetic Packaging 

The world of cosmetics is not just related to the quality of products; packaging also plays an essential role in building customer trust, which is a main factor in increasing sales; here, we will discuss 7 amazing tips to create attractive cosmetic packaging. So, keep reading!


  1. Invest in Unique packaging Shapes
  2. Eye-Catching Brand Identification
  3. Scented packaging attaches emotions
  4. Keep an eye on the trending Packaging Materials
  5. Wisely Choose Colors as they describe the Product
  6. Consider the taste of the customers
  7. Informative messages through packaging

1) Invest in Unique packaging Shapes

“The first and foremost thing customers see when they enter a store is not the brand logo nor the product but its packaging.”

For example, when you go shopping, you always check the products that have unique packaging shapes or colors and never give a chance to the products that look normal. So, we can learn from this example that you design your packaging in such shapes as triangles, diamonds, circles, etc., rather than simple rectangular boxes, which everybody does.

2) Eye-Catching Brand Identification

“Eye-catching attractive Brand identification ( includes name, logo, slogans, color, font design, etc. ) is an integral part of any business because it helps boost sales.”

If you have a very unique Brand identification, then it will probably impact your business in the following ways;

i) From thousands of pages, when your brand’s attractive packaging with an eye-catching logo comes in front of customers, they will definitely search your site.

ii) When you deliver a product that is out of the world packaging, customers will post it online, and anyone who sees this video will look for the logo so they can also buy from you.

iii) If your brand has an attractive logo & color combination, your old customers will see it from a distance in the market and will definitely give a try to your other products.

So, as a whole, we can say that an eye-catching identification creates a trust bond between customer and brand, which helps boost sales in unimaginable ways. 

3) Scented Packaging attaches Emotions

“Fresh and flowery scents on packaging can enhance the value of the product in customers’ perceptions, which can play an important role in increasing sales, especially for cosmetic products.”

You see that scented packaging can attract customers by triggering emotions in them because odors direct their route toward the limbic system of the brain ( part of the brain related to emotions and memory ). 

Scented packagings are usually made up of materials  ( wood, paper, cardboard, etc.) that absorb aroma because scent chemicals get absorbed on the porous surface of these materials, keeping them scented for a longer time.

Additionally, scented packaging gives a luxurious feel that customers cannot forget, and they associate that specific scent with that particular brand, so whenever they try to find products of your brand in store, that specific aroma can help in recognition of your brand products, so no doubt there will more chances of sales.

4) Keep an eye on the trending packaging Materials

The demands of customers are changing day by day with the arrival of new trending materials in the market, and some of them include;

i) Aluminum packaging catches the eyes of customers because it has a minimalist shiny pattern and also protects the product from sunlight damage ( because it reflects sun radiation toward the source ), bacteria, moisture, etc. 

ii) Sustainable ( recyclable) packaging remains a top trend because associations are trying to develop eco-friendly ways to protect the environment. If you use recycle packaging, you will get empathy from environment lovers, and it is more likely that your brand will be valued worldwide, which will automatically enhance sales.

iii) The Transparent packaging trend is also on the rise these days because it enables customers to look inside so that they can check the freshness, consistency, and color of the product inside. Therefore, it builds the customer’s trust in the brand, improving the marketing of your cosmetic products.

5) Wisely Choose Colors as they describe the Product

The color of the packaging is as important as the product inside because every color has a meaning hidden in it; for example, red shows passion and power, blue indicates peace, yellow gives a luxurious feeling, while dark colors show boldness, so packaging color should define the product inside.

As Jenn David Conolly states:

“Colors influence consumers not only on the conscious level but also on the subconscious level.”
  • Light colors like ( white, off-white, grey, etc.) are usually used for packaging skin care products like soothing lotions, body creams, massage creams, whitening creams, foundations, etc.
  • Bold colors like ( black, purple, brown, etc.) are usually used for packaging makeup products, man facewash, etc. 
  • Baby girl products should be packed in sophisticated soft colors like light pink, and baby boy products in light blue and light orange. 

Moreover, sharp color shades hurt the eye and create strain, while cool colors can relax the viewer’s mind. Hence, use colors that are compatible with your product, and when customers find the product the same as they assumed by looking at the packaging, they will feel happy, and next time, they will try to buy products from your brand.

6) Consider the taste of the customer

A single type of packaging cannot engage all target customers because people have different psychological characteristics, and their likes and dislikes vary greatly. So, while choosing packaging, the following factors should be kept in mind:

i) Geographical area of marketing:  Taste and trends may vary from area to area because it is human nature to adopt them according to their community culture, so you can know people’s likes and dislikes through surveys and customer feedback.

ii) Consider the age and gender group: Likes and dislikes of a person may change with age; for example, baby products should be in light shades with cartoon characters while teenage products should be a little shiny and attractive, and lastly, mature persons like their products to be of minimalist design & colors.

iii) Seasons: The taste of customers also changes with seasons; for example, customers prefer cool, relaxing colors in summer while hot & warm colors in winter. 

7) Informative messages through packaging

You can convey important messages to your customers through short labels on packaging, which will help you in many ways, such as;

  • Expected Benefits: Mentioning a list of expected results with data will attract more customers and help increase your sales.
  • The procedure to use will get rid of customer confusion about applying the product, which makes them feel that you care about them even after the sales.
  • Product-related precautions will warn the customers about the possible side effects, which will help you get saved from lawsuits in case of any accidents. 
  • A specific skin type guide strip will help customers choose the right product, which is a very time-consuming & difficult task while buying a cosmetic item.
  • List of ingredients: As we know, a cosmetic product can be allergic to some people, so a list of all raw materials will help customers avoid harmful items to, which will increase your brand credibility.

It is worth noting that don’t just print out everything in a simple black & white book because it looks old fashioned and nobody reads it these days. In contrast, mention all the above info in 2 modern ways;

  • Colorful cards with graphical representation and as many fewer words as possible.
  • QR Code: Upload everything on a site and mention its QR Code on the packaging, so when a customer scans it with their phone camera, it will open that info page. Plus, you can also add videos or other product info on the page, which is not possible with the colorful printing method. 

Last but not least, the QR code method is the latest in the industry, which impresses users, and unlike books or cards, it requires no long printing; you can upload all data on a single page, which everyone ( billions of people ) can view online for free.

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