Filtering the Top 7 designs of Perfume bottles to boost sales

If you are looking to boost your perfume sales by making them stand out from the rest of the brand’s bottles on the shelf, then it is wise to invest in creative designs which should be eye-catching from miles away. In this blog, we will discuss the latest perfume bottle shapes which are the rend these days and help you boost your sales tenfold. So, keep reading!


  1. Aladdin-Lamp Perfume Bottle 
  2. Heel Perfume  Bottle Design
  3. Skull Perfume Bottle Design
  4. Dagger Perfume Bottle Design
  5. Handcuff Perfume bottle Design
  6. Hand Perfume  Bottle Design
  7. Grenade Perfume Bottle

1) Aladdin-Lamp Perfume Bottle 

Who doesn’t the story of Aladin, who had a lamp with a genie inside and there are literally tens of movies & series made on this? It is important to know, that this story is famous all over the world and is thought to have originated from the Arabian world but some historians say that its main origin lies in China. 

Whatever, the origins, the main point is every kid & adult loves it, and its concept is deeply routed in every culture, so making a perfume out of a lamp-shape bottle is a very ingenious marketing idea, and it sales will be very high, especially in Arabian nations. 

These lamp perfume bottles can be made out of glass and are fit for both normal & premium perfumes. 

2) Heel Bottle Design 

We can usually find that creativity and uniqueness are promoted in almost every field so why not in the case of perfume bottle designs keeping this in mind, just check this Heel-shaped perfume bottle, which can get anybody’s attention from miles away.

Suppose a buyer enters a shop and finds a shoe among heel bottles, curiosity will rise and he/she will try your product for sure.  Moreover, these days, there are hundreds of perfume brands and they mostly have square-shaped bottles, which tells that the manufacturer is average, but investing in this heel design, makes buyers think you are a premium brand increasing your credibility and sales.

3) Skull Bottle Design 

Skull has been a symbol of death since the origin of human history and in most cultures, the skull also represents strength.” 

So, with so many deep routed thousands of years of symbolization, suppose you design a perfume with skull shape bottle, it will sell like hot cakes. When it comes to age & anger, the males, kids & adults will be attracted to this alpha design and want to keep it in their places to look cool. 

This design is made out of glass and it is best to get it done from Chinese manufacturers to lower the production costs. 

4) Handcuff Bottle Design

Every kid likes to play Police & thief and it’s a game that is played all over the world. So, if you design such a Handcuff bottle, it will sell in every region and country, irrespective of their culture. 

Handcuff is basically a sign of arrest and as police officers have a set of handcuffs always with them, the buyers will also feel the same if they bought it. Moreover, as there are 2-handcuffs, you can sell 2 perfumes in one deal, hence doubling your sales. 

5) Dagger Bottle Design

The origins of daggers go back to the Neolithic era ( 7000 BC – 1700 BC ) and they were made with bones at that time. You can see daggers in every culture from Persion to American to Asian and even African. 

The shape of daggers is one of the most known designs in human history which even a 3-year-old kid knows. So, designing perfume bottles in this shape gives you an edge in the marketing & sales of your brand. 

You can see the above design, made with a glass body & plastic covering and it also has a chain so the users can hang the bottle after use as a showpiece. Another feature that makes it more special is the handle of this bottle which provides a comfortable grip for spraying the perfume.

6) Hand Bottle Design

The main concept of this design is very funny “holding a hand within a hand” – meaning that it makes a person believe that he/she is holding someone else hand in his hand, which can be very attractive. 

This hand perfume bottle is very rare & latest in the market yet easy & cost-effective to manufacture. This incredible design will fit well in old people’s & kids’ hands and will make it easier for them to handle and apply the perfume.

7) Grenade Perfume Bottle

If you want to target military or action enthusiasts, then you will never find anything better than this hand-grenade perfume bottle because these are an important part of every world war and are still used today.

These hand-grenade perfume bottles will be liked very much by the male community and in almost every region, irrespective of their religion and society values so you can be sure that the sales will be good worldwide. 

When it comes to its manufacturing, it is made of glass body & plastic cap but the craftsmanship in it is very precise so it’s best to buy it from Chinese producers because they have machinery, manpower, and raw materials at lower costs.

  • Effect sales 
  • Contrast between liquid and bottle colour 
  • Quality of bottle rigidity 
  • Beautiful logo on the bottle effect publicity 
  • Gift for loves ones 
  • Different functions we can use 
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