The Ultimate Showdown: Glass vs. Plastic Cream Jars – Which Reigns Supreme?

Both plastic and glass cream jars are reliable for storage creams. But knowing the difference is essential to determine which material is more suitable for your products. In this blog, I’ll share this difference in a straightforward way.

What`s the difference between glass and plastic jar?

Glass cream jars offer a great experience to customers due to their sleek and appealing nature. Moreover, they’re non-porous and have almost zero percent chemical interaction. That ensures great security for your creams.

In contrast, plastic cream jars are cost-effective and durable. Compared to glass jars, plastic jars are also lighter and easier to handle.

But that’s not at all. You must know the detailed difference between both materials to determine which suits you best. Be with me till the end of this blog to discover the differences and a guide to choosing the right option.

Plastic Vs. Glass Cream Jars

Plastic vs. glass cream jar

Before we go for the difference, we must explore the personal properties of plastic and glass jars. So we can compare them in a better way.

Plastic Jars for Creams

Plastic jar for creams

Plastic jars are easy to handle. As the plastic isn’t brittle, you’d not worry about the safety of your jars. Brands also prefer plastic packaging because it demands significantly lower costs than all other materials. Moreover, plastic jars are lightweight and durable as compared to other materials.

Glass Jars for Creams

Glass jars for creams

Glass is well-known for its stability. You can get a lead-free barrier to ensure the security of the chemicals inside glass jars. Moreover, they aren’t just specific to creams. Their high flexibility makes them suitable for many products.

Glass jars offer an attractive room for your creams. If brands know exciting glass packaging methods, their business will grow to amazing heights.

Difference Between Both Types of Packaging

Let’s explore the difference based on the main factors involved with packaging.


When it comes to durability, it’s hard for glass to compete with plastic. Plastic jars are strong and possess abilities to handle a hit. That’s why they’re preferred for transportation. The brittle nature of glass is a problem!

Difference between plastic and glass cream jars

Safety of Creams

When it comes to the safety of your creams, you should prefer glass over plastic. As I mentioned, glass offers a lead-free barrier to ensure ideal protection for your creams.

Buyer’s Attraction

Imagine you’re a buyer and standing at the beauty shop. While looking for jars, which material attracts you more? It depends on the personal choice, but you’d probably love glass packaging.

Compared to plastic jars, glass jars are more appealing. The premium feel of glass makes buyers feel positive about the products’ quality.

Environmental Effects

Glass jars save the earth! Recycled glass consumes 40% less energy than manufacturing new glass. Plastic isn’t that safe for the environment. All types of plastic materials can’t be recycled. It’s hard to say which type of jar is more environmentally toxic. It depends further on the type of plastic and glass jars. The way the brand utilizes the material also affects its toxicity.


We’ve already discussed the benefits of plastic in terms of price. When it comes to its comparison with glass, it still proves good. If your brand has a low budget, prefer plastic jars. Glass jars also cost more to transport.

Should You Choose Plastic or Glass Cream Jars?

Should You Choose Plastic or Glass Cream Jars?

According to our previous discussion, it’s hard to recommend one material for all brands. Different types of chemicals require different types of handling. It’s better to focus on your brand’s requirements and then choose one option accordingly.

I prefer glass over plastic jars. I know glass jars are fragile as compared to plastic. But I love the way glass protects my creams inside jars. I can secure my face cream, eye creams, and even lotions.

How to Find The Best Cream Jars For Your Brand?

I freely shared my preference. But it can be hard for you to choose the one for your brand. Here’s the list of things to carefully consider to make a good decision.

Understand Your Product

Set a meeting with the team manufacturing your creams. Once you know the chemical composition and properties of your creams, it’d be easier to find suitable jars for them.

Choosing the best jar

Learn the Buyer’s Perspective

You must target specific buyers instead of going random. It helps you set fixed requirements for your products. Once you’ve understood it, choose the better option while considering the pros and cons of both materials.

Style of Usage

You must identify the style in which customers use your jars. For example, you sell different creams in bulk to another business.

This business has some transportation problems. Then, what do you think? Will they prefer plastic or glass jars? Definitely, a plastic cream jar is a good option because it’s easy to handle.

In this way, you should identify the usage style of your customers and choose one option accordingly.

Observe Your Competitors

You must know what’s going on in the market instead of making decisions based on your personal research. Observe the strategies of your competitors to learn from their tricks and mistakes.

You can look for their income statements. It’ll help you understand which product suits more to customers and brings a great rise in the brand’s business.

Try Samples

Instead of working on a large scale, first test your idea. Once a specific type of jar proves suitable, you can deliver the order in bulk. You can also gift the selected jars to some customers. Their feedback will help you ensure the quality of your products.

Final Words

So, there you’ve it. We’ve done with the difference between plastic and glass cream jars. When we go deep into the characteristics of plastic and glass, both materials seem great. But both of them have their own pros and cons. Analyze your industry and buyers to go for the option that’s ideal for you. Best of luck.

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