Top 10 out-of-the-box ideas for Cosmetic Packaging

In the cosmetic business, testing a product is not possible, so customers don’t buy it because of its quality. The only thing left is how your packaging looks, which basically affects the most sales. So, to make your product stand out from a distance, we have brought you some top 10 out-of-the-box packaging ideas that only top brands are employing and increasing their sales tenfold. So, keep reading!


  1. Power Bank Cosmetic Boxes
  2. Ergonomic styles of packaging
  3. Customised Wooden packaging
  4. Dual-functionality cosmetic boxes 
  5. 3D shaped cosmetic packaging design
  6. Double-layered sliding cosmetic boxes
  7. Creative acrylic packaging of cosmetics
  8. Auto-lifted double-door packaging boxes
  9. Rechargeable LED mirror Cosmetic Boxes
  10.  Mini cosmetic Fridge with LED mirrored door

1) Power Bank Cosmetic Boxes

Powebank cosmetic boxes are becoming a new trend because everybody is highly dependent on mobiles, and their batteries get empty quickly, so most people keep a backup charging source, which these can serve. A company named Shellwell has already employed this idea on their cosmetic boxes and has been getting good sales. 

As the name suggests, Powerbank Cosmetic boxes serve 2-functions;

  • As storage boxes with different compartments for placing various items, such as makeup, toothbrushes, jewellery, etc., make them fantastic travelling storage bags.
  • As a power bank, which can charge handsfree, mobiles, tablets, and even laptops, additionally, you can add both wired and wireless charging options.

As these boxes are portable, users will carry these around, so make sure you emboss our logo in such a way that passersby can also see them, which will help you in the promotion.

When it comes to their material, you can make them out of plastic to keep low costs or craft them out of metals like aluminium to make them look more attractive. Finally, This idea can be employed by brands for their single product, combo packs, or it can sold as an accessory.

2) Ergonomic styles of packaging

“Ergonomic packaging is designed to make people comfortable while lifting, holding, opening, and closing any kind of product.”

Ergonomic styles of packaging

You can make any of your packing into Ergonomic by adjusting its size, shape, opening style, and labelling. Hence, when you think about customers’ ease, they will definitely be impressed by the craftsmanship, which will increase your credibility & sales. For example

  • Lipstick packaging must be such that it smoothly twists up, Foundation bottles must have a precise pump, etc.
  • You must use clear and visible elements like “lift” to remove the lid and “a scissor sign” for sachets indicating that the customer should cut from here. 

The above examples help your customers easily access the product. Otherwise, an inappropriate opening of the product may damage it and negatively impact customers’ perceptions of your brand.

3) Customized Wooden packaging

You can see top brands, as mentioned in the link, preferring Wooden cosmetic packaging for these 2-main reasons;

i) Environmentalists: It is estimated that plastic took 400 years to break. So, as a result, we get plastic pollution everywhere, affecting every living species on the planet. That’s why people who are conscious of this tend to buy recyclable products like wood, etc. 

ii) Minimalist: In the 21st century, with so much noise & gatherings everywhere, people like to keep their places as simple as possible with as much nature as possible. That’s why these days, wooden walls, furniture, and even wood-design electronics are on the rise, and the same goes for wooden cosmetic packaging.

So, if you employ wooden packaging for your cosmetic products, environmentalist thinks you are saving the Earth & prefer your products over their favourite brands. The minimalist will simply buy your products from their premium but plain, smooth looks.

Wooden Packaging for Cosmetics

Additionally, you can make wooden boxes more attractive by making designs that are compatible with the products that are packed inside. For example, for packaging natural skin care products, you must create some plant patterns on the lid of the box, which will develop an emotional feeling towards your brand, and ultimately, sales of your product will increase. 

4) Dual-functionality Blockbuster Cosmetic boxes

The Blockbuster boxes idea was designed by Ogilvy Hong Kong for a Pizza Hut marketing stunt

“Dual-functionality Blockbuster boxes can serve as cosmetic packaging boxes as well as portable projectors.”

The working principle here is that all you need to do is add a small lens, which is added to the packaging. So, if customers want to enjoy movies on the screen in their homes, they pick up the cosmetic box, insert the lens into the perforated hole, and fit their phone in such a way that the lens will magnify the light on the wall and act as a simple projector.

The idea of combining a projector with cosmetic packaging boxes is good for events marketing stunts like Christmas, Chinese New Year, etc. It is without a doubt, that this futuristic approach will leave a branding impact on customers & increase your sales.

packaging box that turns into a projector

 Moreover, don’t think that it will be costly because the box’s raw material can be plastic or even cardboard ( obtained from wood pulp ), which is highly cost-effective compared to other materials. So, just by giving an advanced touch to packaging, you can increase product sales to an outstanding level.

5) Multi-layered Cosmetic boxes

“It’s a fact that everybody throws away the packaging box after getting the product out – that’s a huge waste, but using multi-layer boxes will make your boxes permanent at the user’s place.”

The main problem with cosmetic boxes is that everybody makes them for shelves, and nobody even focuses on user needs; as they only fit one product, they only take up unnecessary space in homes, so users always throw them out.

But if you want your boxes to stay on clients’ desks far longer than the product, simply add one or two more storage areas where they can fit other cosmetic products and use it as a one-in-all storage box.

Double-layered sliding cosmetic box

You can make 2-layer boxes as your main packing or multi-layer boxes to sell them as an accessory alongside your main products.

You can add side-by-side compartments or layers, but always put your product in the centre or top as the focus of attention. Moreover, you can make these boxes standing units, which users can fix on their tables permanently, or you can make them portable; either way, they will last longer and help bring you more customers.

6) 3D-shaped cosmetic packaging design

3D animated cosmetic packaging is an innovative and creative idea that grabs customers’ attention as it tells a story in a visualized form about your product.  For example;

  • If your product is related to skincare, then its packaging must be such that the bottle cap is in the shape of a baby face, which shows that after using this product, the customer’s face will glow like a baby face.
  • Packaging of lipsticks in teddy bear shapes is more liked by young girls, or in the form of fruits creates a natural impact on customers about your brand.
Cosmetic Packaging in 3d Shape

Moreover, the major benefit of this packaging is that customers can reuse it for any other purpose after finishing the content, increasing your brand’s remembrance and awareness whenever it is used.

7) Creative acrylic packaging of cosmetics

“Acrylic packaging items are made of polymethyl methacrylate plastic, which allows light to pass easily without absorption or scattering, thus making them transparent and shiny just like a glass but not that brittle.”

It is worth noting that colours can be added to lessen their transparency fully or partly. Moreover, acrylic is considered the safest option for packaging fragile items like cosmetics for the  following reasons;

  • Resistant to chemicals like acid and alkaline solution
  • Hydrophobic in nature, don’t absorb moisture
  • Resistant to sunlight because during the manufacturing process, some UV stabilizers are added, which protect them from melting or colour fading, thus commonly used for outdoor applications.
creative acrylic packaging of cosmetics

Moreover, acrylic boxes are 100% recyclable through a process of pyrolysis (materials are broken down at high temperatures ), making them eco-friendly. Additionally, acrylic sheets are very cost-effective compared to glass sheets because they are lightweight.

8) Auto-lifted Packaging boxes

“When you open the box, the side cover which is attached to the inner box by ribbons also pulls the inner box upwards hence giving the impression it auto-lifted.”

This auto-lifted design is trending in the market, and it requires almost the same money as a normal box, but boxes look very hi-tech, straight out of some sci-fi movies, and they also give an expensive impression, hence increasing your sales manyfold. 

These boxes are very famous as gift boxes for which you can charge extra from your clients and they will happily pay for it.

Moreover, they can be made from any material like plastic, aluminium, or even cardboard. Therefore, you can easily use these packaging boxes to create a great impression on your customers about your product.

9) Rechargeable LED mirror Cosmetic Boxes

“LED mirror Cosmetic boxes help customers do their makeup perfectly in front of the mirror by giving a bright view.”

LED mirror cosmetic boxes are usually built like suitcases with multiple compartments so the user can fit all the necessary make and move the whole box anywhere & anytime. As a result, when they bring these boxes out of luggage or handbags in public gatherings, other people will also be attracted and buy your product to get this box. 

It’s a fact that these LED mirror boxes can’t be covered with single products. However, you can add them as an accessory in your stores because they are mostly used by off-site beauticians as they have to carry all cosmetic stuff from place to place.

Rechargeable LED mirror cosmetic box

Moreover, these boxes have rechargeable built-in lithium-ion batteries, which, once fully charged, enable them to be used for days. Additionally, these boxes are highly durable as they are mostly made of ABS plastic ( acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), which gives them the following amazing properties such as;

  • Corrosion-resistant
  • Hydrophobic, i.e., don’t absorb water or moisture.
  • They are easily moldable, which protects them from breakage if thrown by children.

10) Mini cosmetic Fridge with LED mirrored door

“Packaging temperature-sensitive products in a mini cosmetic fridge is an unimaginable idea for recognizing your brand in the market.”

Yes, it seems insane to make a special refrigerator for make-up, but in reality, it doesn’t cost much because all it needs is a plastic case, a thermo-Peltier, a battery, and good insulation. All of it costs less than $30, but you can charge hundreds extra with your premium products. 

Here is the link to the site which is already using this idea. This idea is basically new in the market, and you can sell this fridge with your combo deal products or as a separate accessory. 

Mini Cosmetic Fridge

Cosmetic fridges are the safest place to increase the shelf life of skin care products because they provide an optimum temperature, such as 25 to 40 degrees centigrade. 

Moreover, their large storage capacity allows customers to store skin products and their favourite drinks, snacks, etc. You can also make them lightweight and compact in design so users can easily carry them in offices, on business tours, or when going on holidays.

Furthermore, these fridges may have built-in LED light mirror doors, which help customers do their makeup perfectly and take selfies in front of them at a time, as no ring light is needed.

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